суббота, 22 октября 2011 г.

How to Prepare and Write

You've made it! You are preparing to attend College after
deliberation as to the where, how much, and when do I start?
As a new or returning student, there are steps
to complete before you enroll in classes. One of them
being an assessment or placement test in the subjects of
English and Math. Once assessed, the results are used
for placement to jumpstart your success in College.

A test component in the English part of the assessment
is the College Admission Essay. Anyone who has been away
for a time from College or general writing may find this
part a challenge. Recent students whose English writing skills
were not top notch in High School can take these hints
to write a winning essay.

Usually, at the time of testing, there are time limits
to complete all the test components in each subject. It can
require you to write an essay in as little as 40 minutes from
a choice of two specific topics. As well, there are minimum
requirements such as not less then two paragraphs and not
more than four or five pages.

College Admission Essays do vary from College to College and
can be Opinion or Narrative style essays so there is only
really a few ways to prepare. Keep in mind that
you are writing for an English Committee who will assess your
writing skills and performance. If it is an opinion essay,
how you proved a single point or thesis and followed that
idea from beginning to end is what they will look for. A
narrative piece would be a short story with a beginning,
middle and end, interesting, and not a copy of someone
else's' work.

In the opinion style essay, stay on topic. Use facts and
quotations that are accurate to present your argument in a
fresh and confident voice. Weave in to your writing events,
reasons, and examples. Organize the ideas on your topic and do
a quick prewrite or draft with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Grammar and spelling is important as is tidy and readable. Don't wait
until the day
of the assessment test to realize you are weak in these areas.
Brushing up on these skills can make or break your College
Admission Essay. It's important enough for you to get to
College and success is determined by the degree of work you
put into it before the first day of class. You will know
how prepared you are for College life when you come to
write the College Admission Essay.

Even if there are challenges in a placement subject, you have
a fantastic time ahead of you. Don't give up! College is some of the
greatest fun I have ever had. The best of luck and may the College
Admission Essay be the easiest part of your assessment.

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