понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

What About the Page Title?

53-56 characters are okay for the Page Title if you don’t want Google to cut it off on SERPs, but it definitely okay to have more if it is needed for SEO purposes you simply can’t make it shorter.  

The most important key phrase should be placed in the very beginning of the Page Title.

More long-tail key phrases in the title tag may dilute the power of the main one, so it better to use only important keywords in the Page Title.

Thus I believe the following rule for the Recipes will be good.

[Recipe Name] (without the Recipe word) + [Healthy Food Recipes] (category name which is a keyword too with 22 200 monthly searches).

This matter actually opened my eyes on the other thing. There is a point even in categorizing the recipes because people are often look for specific recipes.

Healthy dinner recipes – 110,000
Healthy chicken recipes – 60,500
Healthy breakfast recipes – 40,500

In case you want to categorize the recipes ASAP, I would need some unique text for each of the category. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks.