вторник, 18 июня 2013 г.

phone system check up [sample instructions]

Routine maintenance is done on everything from humans to cars
·        Many people don’t realize that its available (and necessary) for phone systems
·        With phone systems relying on the Internet these days, it is required to maintain patches, monitor upgrades, manage compatibility issues
·        Phone system maintenance is routine and can be set up on an automated basis
·        It is important to proactively maintain backups, system restores, patches and upgrades
o   Ex. 1 – Avaya releases a software upgrade every six months
o   Ex 2. – Allworx just released 6.5, which now has Mobile Reach; all customers get (1) free reach upgrade which allows them to receive their direct extension calls to their mobile phone and place calls that show their office number by their mobile phone through an app.

Importance of Maintenance
·        Routine maintenance plans review your current call flow
·        They review your connectivity
·        They make sure your connection is appropriate for your business

Risks of not having Maintenance
·        System failure (comparable to not putting oil in your car)
·        Labor is more expensive when it is on an emergency basis, rather than a routine basis
·        You could lose your competitive edge by not having the most knowledge and capability in your industry

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