вторник, 8 ноября 2011 г.

Session (2010-2013)

The college new session starts from January 2010. Forms of all courses will be available in the South Block of the main administrative building. All applicants can also download the form in internet at www.mumbaicollege.co.in/forms. Last date of submitting the form is 15th January. The college is not going to accept any form after this date. Those forms which are not properly filled or incomplete will not be accepted. Evaluation will be done on merit. The first list of selected candidates will be displayed on 30th of January followed by a 2nd list on 5th February.

Criteria of Hons courses of Session (2010-2013) of College Admission.

Students need to select one main subject which will be his/her Hons paper and two other subjects which will be his/her pass papers. Hons paper will carry 400 marks and the pass paper will carry 300 marks each. Marks obtained in the Hons paper will decide the GRADE (A, B, C, D) .Students passing in the pass paper is mandatory.

Grade Distribution:

80% and above                       Grade A
60% --   80%                          Grade B
40% --   60%                          Grade C
Below   40%                           Grade D

40% in the pass paper is consider as pass

The session (2010-2013) is divided in 3 years, 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year. Exam will be held at the end of each year. Only passed students will be promoted in the next year. Grade of the final certificate will depend on the Grade obtained in all the three years 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year. Students who obtain Grade D in the Hons paper will be considered as not successful. They have to reappear in the next session under Old Regulation. Students who fail to secure 40% in any of the pass papers will be promoted in the next year but have to reappear in the Complementary Exam held after three months.

Subjects of College Admission Session (2010-2013)

B.A Regulation

Hons Subject
Pass Subjects (any two)
Political Science, Geography, History, Education, Home Science.
Political Science
Geography, History, Education, Home Science, English.
History, Education, Home Science, English, Political Science.
Education, Home Science, English, Political Science, Geography.
Home Science, English, Geography, Political Science, History,

B.Sc Regulation

Hons Subjects
Pass Subjects (any two)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Economics.
Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Maths, Economics.
Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Maths, Physics, Economics.
Computer Science, Environmental Science, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Economics.
Maths (compulsory), Physics, Statistic, Computer Science, Chemistry.
Computer Science
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Environmental Science, Economics.

General category students who are not having any Hons paper, they will have three papers as their pass papers and their Final Grade will depend on the grade obtained in the three subjects in all the three years
5% of the seats will be reserved for the physically challenged, SC/ST and OBC candidates. They will also have other relaxation in college tuition fees and form fees (mentioned therein) as per the University rule.

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