среда, 30 ноября 2011 г.

Blog post

Midschool and High School days are nothing but history. Gone are the ABC's and 123's-This is it, the apllication of those learnings for sophisticated fact sheet named "College". A reality that seems to be inevitable for most if not all, this seven-lettered word is easily spelled than done; Questions like what course will I take, what school to attend and what lies ahead after entrance examinations are nothing but brain teasers that would blow your mind should you lack the courage and orientation to face such a puzzle. Tortured enough?

we are just starting, haven't you think about Blog writing? Admit it, majority us are looking in the jungles of College life while neglecting the street as to where one could enter to define survival of life. FACT- there are alot of college students who are studying in their second or third priority schools because they failed in simple examination such as the CAE. Well, one could not argue less, humans are fallen human beings who lacks peremptiveness on little thing and are more focused on big things (Got the connection when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?)...Well, if we are to base such a fact in the Holy Bible, one can say that such a crime of neglecting small things which in turn would be a determinant of greater things to come is indeed a part of our fallen-state consequences, then we have to tell the serpent enough...fool me once, shame on the snake but if it bit us twice, the shame is on us...the reason why Jesus died on the cross is for humanity to re-obtain its dignity...come to think of it, such a complex picture of sacrifice could also suggest that simple and small plannings such as getting ready for College Admission Essay for your Degree-entrance is a part of such a sacrifice...logically and "spiritually" both are suggesting "YES"...

So the main thing?-- Before plunging into bigger and complicated problems in College, delve on its basic part. Some essay questions would be as simple as why do you intend to study here or how many cars do you have up to sophisticated questions of how do you deal with life's problems (couch-potato death blow if not the killer).. A Psychologist who ask for her anonimity (Probably she encoutered the same situation on college and now a full pledged College Admission Essay Phobic) related that "majority of the students failed in this kind of examination due to the fact that students tend to establish sel-image on a quest to enter the some of the colleges"...Are you one of them?

Now think again, the said essay may be simply defined but must be given due respect or else...bid your hopes in entering your desired college goodbye... or a professor might approach you and say "I will give you discount on my tutorial class in writing College Admission Essay"...Go get it while supply lasts....

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