понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

How any Revision Request Might Look Like

So, i'm trying to clear it to let the writer understand the whole thing. This must be hard for someone, who doesn't use metatrader/expert advisors and so, and this is the reason i would like to have clear content on my page.

First, the software doesn't manage the account, but keep sending notifications if something has changed, like another (trading) expert advisor (aka forex robot) opened / closed a position etc.

Let me show how it works:

Metatrader is the trading platform where you can actually trade manually, but you can install EAs to trade for you automatically. You can install our EA into the same platform, to send information about the account changes caused by other trading EAs. 

But this sentence  - having this system running in your smartphone - is completly wrong. This is not an app, you can't install to your phone. This is why i sent the install guide, so:

  • install Notifier EA to your metatrader account (which usually runs on a server somewhere), 
  • install Metatrader application to your phone as well
  • connect the two MT client using your unique MetaQuote ID
  • after that you'll be able to receive informations from your server - or wherevere the main account is - to your smartphone
Most of the content is good, but what i would like to see is that Notifier EA is not a trading, but a notification system, and you can receive informations on your smartphone whit this tool.

If there is any question about it please let me know, and i'll try to explain everything.

вторник, 21 мая 2013 г.

What Any Press Release Writer Should Know

Theme is “Property Management Systems for the Hospitality Industry in the cloud are a risky choice.”
Sub head line would be “One foot in the cloud and the other in jail seems a unstable foundation for success.”

Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (typically software) which are available in a remote location and accessible over the Internet.

The cloud idea goes beyond the shared computing resource usage. It focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of the shared resources.  Cloud resources are usually not only shared by multiple users but as well as dynamically re-allocated as per demand.

Imagine your Program and the related data move, depending on demand, during the world. This hour in China, next in India, back into the USA and going to Europe.

However, not concerning the technical difficulties that may combined with using of such technology, the practical side provides many pitfalls. 

         Data and program will travel through many different areas and may protected against breaches by law or not. This is for the end user the hospitality property in reference to the software not a field of concern; the security of the data storage including address and credit card information of the customers is the responsibility of the property and cannot be transferred to a third party.
         Lose of user data may also hurt the property. If a competitor may send an email blast to the customers, knowing exactly what room type and room rate to address may cause huge if not dramatic drop in occupancy and revenue.
         Different legal systems may protect the company providing the cloud solution but not the hotel. For the hotel always is the local law valid.
         Data breaches into the credit card information will jeopardize the hotel and may send the owner/manager in jail for gross negligence. In the best case the hotel would lose their merchant contract comparable to a scheduled bankruptcy.
A solid solution is still to operate program and database in house, using classic and proven technologies like client server or even a single workstation. Backup solutions may include a backup storage accessed over the internet but with a provider responsible in the same legal system as you are.

Emergency measurements as possible ASP service that allows access to programs and data in case of an in house disaster provide peace of mind.
RSE, Inc. provides solid, tested HMS for their customers since 1997. State of the art technology, turnkey service and unmatched functionality, second to none, provides a solid foundation for the success of their customers going beyond solutions provided by the competition.

среда, 8 мая 2013 г.

Content Expenses

Mini-Sites content Status:
6 bands x 3 pages (18) – uploaded
10 bands – unordered (30) – not ordered ($5 x 30 = $150)

[Remember this site? It appears in Google News results]

We can write on some popular topics and promote our brand and some other related content (you can link in the article body too). I believe here should go quality content, written by a native English speaker.

What are your suggestions on monthly/weekly budget for this?

N.B.: For some reasons they didn’t invite alt-tshirts.com to become an author, so we can publish under ShirtHunt.com account only.  

Website Content

Tweet/Share the tee you want and get it for free

In a nutshell. Please will be sharing items they want and emailing us their tweets and Facebook shares. Let’s say we accept email from 9 a.m. every Friday. The winner is the one who’s email comes first

Or we the one who get more re-shares get the price, but this will be too time-consuming and complicated.

[What do you think about it? Do you want to promote this?]

General landing pages

I think we should create custom designs with unique content for this type of pages. If I am not mistaken there 10 such pages.

Non-native writer
10 x $5 = $50/website

10 x $10 = $100/website

Evergreen content
(Content that is always useful and too written on some set of key phrases for potential organic traffic).

This can be:
Band name +facts, +biography, +discography and other nicely decorated articles
Some key phrases might be too competitive so we will have to pick up the direction.
I think we should have some articles to be written in advance.  

 Any interesting data nicely represented.

Cost: $10/500 words (native English writer)

I think we should write 10-15 bios about some local or not very popular bands that we can find on the Internet to show others something is already happening here.

Amazon Book/Free Downloads
We should write a good review of each of the book and create a good landing page that would feature all of the books available.

If anything important is happening, it would be good to write about it the same day and publish it either on business2community.com (which now has higher changes to be featured in Google News) or on our blog and then shared via socials.